- Also called the death penalty
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Information anout Capital Punishment
- The execution of a convicted criminal
- Today, the death penalty is reserved as punishment for premeditated murder, espionage, treason, or as part of military justice.
- Joseph Jongko - made the blog, researched, editor
- David Capa- made the group reflection paper, researched
- Lui Arce- made the blog, researched
- Chiyo Raymundo- helped making the group reflection paper, researched
- Paolo Letargo - made the blog, researched
- Juami Tiongson - made the blog, researched
The Story of A Victim: Manuel Pina Babbit

Manuel Pina Babbit was born in a family of 8 children in Cape Verde, Africa. He joined the marines at the age of 18 and was stationed at Khe Sanh in Vietnam. For 77 days, Manny and his comrades lived through endless assault of rockets, artillery and small-arms fire. He voluntarily extended his stay in Vietnam and served for 19 more months. In 1969, Manny returned to the US. In 1973, Manny was arrested for robbing two gas stations in Massachusetts. He was convicted and sent to the Bridgewater state mental hospital and was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. He marries Theresa Guetrin and fathers two children. In court papers, the wife recalls incidents of Post- Traumatic stress disorder caused by the war. In 1980, Manny moves to Sacramento to live with his brother, bill who soon realized that he had mental health issues. On December 18, 1990, Manny breaks into an apartment of a 78 year old grandmother named Leah Schendel. He assaults and kills her. Manny was then sentenced to death and while on death row, he had no memory of the crime he committed. In 1997, Charles Patterson, who served with Mann
y in Vietnam, became his trial lawyer. Many Vietnam vets petitioned Governor Davis for clemency. Despite being on death row, he was awarded Purple Heart for Military Merit. In 1999, Manny is executed by lethal injection after Governor Davis refuses his plea for clemency.

Famous Quotes Supporting Capital Punishment

These are some of the famous lines supporting Capital Punishment.
"Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but that horses may not be stolen"
"Law cannot persuade, where is cannot punish". Thomas Fuller
"One of the uses of our system of justice is to warn others... We are reforming, not the hanged individual, but everyone else." Michel de Montaigne
"It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world." Mary Wollstonecraft
"The art of policing is, in order not to punish often, to punish severely" Napoleon
"Executing a murderer is the only way to adequately express our horror at the taking of an innocent life. Nothing else suffices. To equate the lives of killers with those of victims is the worst kind of moral equivalency. If capital punishment is state murder, then imprisonment is state kidnapping and restitution is state theft." Don Feder
"Let all the laws be clear, uniform and precise. To interpret laws is almost always to corrupt them." Voltaire
"If he who breaks the law is not punished, he who obeys it is cheated. This, and this alone, is why lawbreakers ought to be punished: to authenticate as good, and to encourage as useful, law-abiding behavior. The aim of criminal law cannot be correction or deterrence; it can only be the maintenance of the legal order."
"If Capital Punishment is state sponsored murder, then any lesser punishment is a state sponsored murder of Justice." Saqib Ali
"It is Justice, not Laws that cures the society. And Capital Punishment is the only Justice that suits a murderer" Saqib Ali
These quotes means that sometimes, Capital Punishment is a right act yet sometimes it's not. Capital punishment are given to people who have done something wrong to the community. But what I believe is that no one is authorized to take a life over his own hands. Only God can take lives away it is He Who gave us this, It is also He Who can take it away...
By: Lui Arce
Our prayers and poems!!!
Capital Punishment, a perverse way
To execute one’s moral beliefs
It runs counter to those who pray
Who espouse forgiveness relief
It sinks to the criminal level
A depth morality eschews
The death penalty, more attuned for the devil
No moral society should choose
Killing is murder, and that’s a raw truth
Why this need for revenge?
- by Jaumi TiongsonDear Lord,
Help us to make the right decisions in our life. Guide us everyday in each actions we make. You are our creator and you are the only who can judge us. Give us your light to avoid things that are not suitable for our community.....AMEN
- by Paolo Letargo
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